Onyx Cold Brew

A full flavour, a clean caffeine hit and a versatile disposition. It’s the blend of our coffee lab composition that delivers a dignified caffeine hit that would have any coffee aficionado singing praise. Free of additives and preservatives and 25 shots of the purest and tastiest cold brew coffee in the land.


Hi, I’m Peter I’m the Product Manager here at Onyx Coffee Spirits.

Today we’re gonna talk about Onyx Cold Brew Coffee. The cool thing with OCBC, it’s cold brew Coffee-In-A-Bottle. It’s CONVENIENT. You don’t have to worry about it DRIPPING & OXIDISING overnight.

The way we process this coffee is done all under nitrogen gas, so that oxygen is not hitting it giving you the FRESHEST cold brew coffee in a bottle. The clarity of the Onyx Cold Brew Coffee is much cleaner than an espresso shot – it doesn’t have that murkiness & grittiness that you find in an espresso shot.

It brings out the natural sweetness in the coffee, so you don’t get that acidity that you get from the cooled down coffee shot out of the espresso machine.

It’s perfect for stirred cocktails that are served on the rocks or up.

It comes in a 750ml bottle so you get 25 shots out of that.
It’ll last 12 weeks in the fridge unopened, or 10 days once it’s opened.
And once it’s opened, just pop the lid back on and keep it in the fridge.

If you’d like to know more visit onyxcoffeespirits.com.